
Five people stand next to a hexagon made of fibers on a telescope

SDSS-V management recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the survey and have contributed at least a year’s worth of work on SDSS infrastructure with the designation of Architect.

Scott Anderson has been awarded Architect status for his leadership as the Program Head for the Black Hole Mapper

Felipe Besser has been awarded architect status for their role work directly related to SDSS-V at Las Campanas Observatory

Dmitry Bizyaev has been awarded Architect status for work as the Deputy Lead Observer and a Support Astronomer for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

Guillermo Blanc has been awarded Architect status for his work as Survey Scientist for the SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper.

Joel Brownstein has been awarded Architect status for work as the Head of Data Management and Archiving.

Johannes Buchner has been awarded Architect status for his efforts in targeting software and leadership within the collaboration

Joleen K. Carlberg has been awarded Architect status for their role as the Target and Cadence Coordinator

Andrew R. Casey has been awarded Architect status for his leadership and contributions as Milky Way Mapper data analysis lead.

Brian Cherinka has been awarded architect status for long standing contributions to SDSS-V software infrastructure

S. Drew Chojnowski has been awarded Architect status for his work on the commissioning of the FPS systems and development of the APOGEE data reduction pipeline.

Frances Cope has been awarded Architect status for work as a Fiber Optics Technician at Apache Point Observatory.

John Donor has been awarded Architect status for work on numerous software and sysadmin tasks.

Niv Drory has been awarded Architect status for his work as Program Head for the SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper.

Tom Dwelly has been awarded architect status for significant work towards SDSS-V survey planning, preparation, and execution.

Jamey Eriksen has been awarded Architect status for work on the planning and development of new SDSS-V infrastructure at APO and ongoing support for SDSS-V at the APO.

Emily Farr has been awarded Architect status for infrastructure work on the FPS.

Bill Fayter has been awarded Architect status for work as the Senior Mechanical Technician for the Sloan Telescope at Apache Point Observatory.

Tracey Fernandez has been awarded Architect status for work as the Systems Analyst at Apache Point Observatory.

Cynthia Froning has been awarded architect status for work as the Project Manager for LVM-I.

Dylan Gatlin has been awarded Architect status for work as a Telescope Operations Specialist at Apache Point Observatory.

Katie Grabowski has been awarded Architect status for work as a Telescope Operations Specialist at Apache Point Observatory.

Pramod Gupta has been awarded Architect status for the development of software infrastructure related to SDSS-V operations.

Jon Holtzman has been awarded architect status for his long standing technical contributions including as one of the commissioning Scientists for SDSS-V MOS

Hector Javier Ibarra-Medel has been awarded architect status for fundamental work on the BOSS data reduction pipeline, plate design, observing mode development, and commissioning.

Jennifer Johnson has been awarded Architect status for work as the Program Head of Milky Way Mapper.

Evelyn Johnston has been awarded Architect status for her leadership and contributions as the survey operations scientist for the LVM.

Karen Kinemuchi has been awarded Architect status for work as a Support Astronomer and Plate Manager for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

Juna Kollmeier has been awarded Architect status for her leadership and contributions as the Director for SDSS-V.

Nick Konidaris has been awarded architect status for his long standing contributions as the LVM Instrument Lead

Marina Kounkel has been awarded Architect status for her leadership as working group chair and Survey Coordinator.

Kathryn Kreckel has been awarded Architect status for her efforts as the survey scientist for Local Volume Mapper

Nathan De Lee has been awarded Architect status for his work as Survey Scientist for the Milky Way Mapper.

Viktor Malanushenko has been awarded Architect status for work as a Support Astronomer for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

Sean Morrison has been awarded Architect status for Pipeline development and operation for the BOSS instrument and Black Hole Mapper.

Tracy Naugle has been awarded Architect status for work as a Research Engineer Technician at Apache Point Observatory.

Melissa Ness has been awarded architect status for her role as Milky Way Mapper Survey Scientist and contributions to the creation of Galactic Genesis

Daniel Oravetz has been awarded Architect status for work as a Support Astronomer for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

Audrey Oravetz has been awarded Architect status for work as a Support Astronomer for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

Kaike Pan has been awarded Architect status for work as the Night Operations Manager and Lead Observer for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

James Earl Parker has been awarded Architect status for work as Senior Electronics Technician at Apache Point Observatory.

Solange Ramirez has been awarded architect status for multi-year work as SDSS-V project manager and supporting outreach efforts.

Hans-Walter Rix has been awarded Architect status for his leadership and contributions as the Project Scientist for SDSS-V.

Felipe Santana has been awarded Architect status for work on the SDSS-V plate design and target selection.

Andrew Saydjari has been awarded Architect status for his work on the APOGEE pipeline

Conor Sayres has been awarded Architect status for his work on operations software development for SDSS-V.

Donald P. Schneider has been awarded architect status for his long standing contributions as the publications coordinator.

Muwen Shi has been awarded Architect status for work as a Fiber Optics Technician at Apache Point Observatory.

Yingyi Song has been awarded architect status for their role as pipeline developer in MWM's Astra group

Sebastián F. Sánchez has been awarded architect status for his work in the preparation and execution of the SDSS-V Local Volume Mapper

José Sánchez-Gallego has been awarded Architect status for his work as the head of operations software for SDSS-V.

Shane Thomas has been awarded Architect status for work as a Software Developer Specialist at Apache Point Observatory.

Pablo Vera has been awarded architect status for their role work directly related to SDSS-V at Las Campanas Observatory

Stefanie Wachter has been awarded architect status for multi-year work as the Lead Systems Engineer for SDSS-V.

Ryan Wagner has been awarded Architect status for work as the Intermediate Telescope Technician for SDSS-V at Apache Point Observatory.

Adam Wheeler has been awarded architect status for his role as the Milky Way Mapper Data Product Manager

John C. Wilson has been awarded Architect status for his efforts as the APOGEE Instrument Scientist and Sloan Telescope Lead Scientist

Gail Zasowski has been awarded Architect status for work as the Spokesperson for SDSS-V.


Last modified: 2025-03-06 09:25:14 MST

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