The white dwarf program in the MWM survey is obtaining multi-epoch BOSS spectra of a large sample of Galactic white dwarfs. These Earth-sized (and consequently intrinsically dim) objects are difficult to identify among the field of much brighter stars. Parallaxes from Gaia have been the key to identifying a homogeneous and nearly-complete all sky sample of white dwarfs for spectroscopic follow-up.

The white dwarf program draws its sample from the Gaia DR2 catalog of white dwarfs (Gentile Fusillo et al 2019), selecting all targets with a greater than 50% probability of being a white dwarf that are brighter than 20th magnitude in the Gaia DR2 G passband.
White Dwarf Cartons in Targeting Generation v0.5.3
In target generation v0.5.3 the following selection function defines the individual carton. The photometry is from Gaia DR2 and the probability of being a white dwarf (PWD) is taken from the catalog of Gentile Fusillo. That catalog can be queried on CasJobs and has been included in the SAS as mos_gaia_dr2_wd.fits.
- mwm_wd_core
- G < 20
- PWD > 0.5
All white dwarf targets are observed during dark time and request two epochs of BOSS spectra (dark_2x1).