The Milky Way Mapper needs fundamental parameters for stars, white dwarfs, and binary systems to complete its science goals. We also desire to understand how results obtained from high-resolution near-IR APOGEE spectra compare to results obtained from low-resolution optical BOSS spectra. More globally, we plan to compare our results with other large-scale spectroscopic surveys of the Milky Way, including DESI, WEAVE, and 4MOST. Therefore, there are several curated cartons implemented or planned for MWM.

Image Credit: JoeyPknowsalotaboutthat, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
In targeting generation v0.5.3, only one of these cartons has been implemented. However, the extensive data taken on the APOGEE and BOSS instruments will be reduced with the MWM pipelines and used as well, including cluster stars and stars with asteroseismic parameters.
The mwm_legacy_ir2opt carton’s goal is to get BOSS spectra for stars observed by APOGEE to aid in the calibration of BOSS data. The high-quality information from the APOGEE spectra can be used for empirical derivations of stellar parameters from BOSS spectra. This carton uses Gaia DR2 magnitudes to ensure that the stars are not too bright in the optical.
Science Validation Cartons for Targeting Generation v0.5.3
All mwm_legacy_ir2opt use the bright_1x1 cadence on the BOSS instrument.