Solange Ramirez

Solange Ramirez

1. Can you describe your role in the SDSS collaboration and what you enjoy most about it?

I am SDSS-V Project Manager and in the last few years I have been managing the instrumentation development of the survey. 

The part that I enjoy most of my work is to witness how the new instruments have come to life, from models to actual pieces of hardware.

2. Can you tell us about your educational background and how you got interested in the field of astronomy/astrophysics?

I have been interested in Astronomy since I was a girl growing up in La Serena, Chile. It started with a school field trip to Cerro Tololo when I was in 3rd grade. I ended up earning a PhD in Astronomy at The Ohio State University and then moved into a more technical role while working on support for space missions (Spitzer, Kepler, WFIRST now Roman). I also have a MS degree in Systems Engineering from UCLA. 

3. What projects are you currently working on and what are you most excited about?

The installation of the LMVi at Las Campanas earlier this year was hard work, but highly rewarding. It is exciting to see the science data coming out of the facility and I look forward to the science discoveries that may come in the near future. 

4. Can you describe how you balance work and personal life, and what advice would you give to someone just starting in the field?

I try very hard to complete my work during my office hours, so I can enjoy evenings and weekends with my family and friends. For me, it helps to eat well, have enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Having raised two children (one in college, one already college graduate and working), I see the crucial importance of choosing a supporting partner and working on balanced relationships from the start.

5. Can you share with us a unique hobby or interest that you have outside of work?

Swimming is great and fun! While I do my laps regularly at a local pool, I occasionally venture into the Pacific Ocean for a refreshing and energizing open water swim.

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