Posted in: News Releases

SDSS astronomers observe theoretically predicted effect in the remnants of dead stars

A student-led team has observed that the mass-radius relation of white dwarf stars depends on the temperature of the star. Scientists have long searched for this subtle effect, detected here for the first time using a method from General Relativity – along with the largest catalog of white dwarf data of its kind.

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Astronomers find quasar winds speeding up

A team of astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has used eight years of careful, constant observations to discover unexpected changes in the winds surrounding a distant black hole. Their work, presented at the American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, reveals that the winds surrounding the supermassive black hole at the […]

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The “Barbenheimer Star”: Evidence for Spectacular Nucleosynthesis in the Early Universe

Astronomy’s new blockbuster is now playing in New Orleans. Astronomers from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) have discovered evidence for what they call the “Barbenheimer Star” – an enormous ancient star that exploded in a way previously thought impossible, resulting in an unusual pattern of elemental ashes that left behind a trail of evidence still visible billions of years later.

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Next-gen astronomical survey makes its first observations toward a new understanding of the cosmos

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey’s fifth generation collected its very first observations of the cosmos at 1:47 a.m. on October 24, 2020. As the world’s first all-sky time-domain spectroscopic survey, SDSS-V will provide groundbreaking insight into the formation and evolution of galaxies—like like our own Milky Way—and of the supermassive black holes that lurk at their centers.

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La próxima generación de estudios astronómicos realiza sus primeras observaciones para una nueva comprensión del cosmos

La quinta generación del Sloan Digital Sky Survey recogió sus primeras observaciones del cosmos a la 1:47 a.m. del 24 de octubre de 2020. Este innovador estudio del cielo reforzará nuestra comprensión de la formación y evolución de las galaxias- incluyendo nuestra Vía Láctea- y los agujeros negros supermasivos que acechan en sus centros.

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